“Triple action” refers to the three active ingredients in Gut Maintenance Plus that together help resolve occasional mild to moderate diarrhea: a bacteriophage to kill elevated levels of diarrhea-causing E. coli; a probiotic yeast to reduce harmful bacteria like Clostridium; and a prebiotic fiber to feed good gut bacteria.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does “triple action” diarrhea relief mean?
Can I use GMP instead of the Gut Restore?
GMP is intended for specific imbalances, particularly high levels of E. coli and/or Clostridium bacteria. GMP is especially good for occasional diarrhea to get things “back on track.” By contrast, Gut Restore is made of fecal material from a healthy dog, and is intended to reintroduce missing bacterial groups and rebalance the gut. While both supplements are great for gut health, especially when given together, they are not interchangeable.
How long should my dog stay on this supplement?
This supplement is intended to resolve cases of diarrhea or soft stools within 60 days. If symptoms decrease, the GMP is safe to continue long-term. If your dog has taken GMP for longer than 60 days and you haven’t noticed an improvement, please consult your dog’s veterinarian.
Can I open these capsules and mix the powder with food?
Yes, if your dog has trouble taking capsules whole, you can open the capsule and mix the powder with food or a treat.
Is this supplement right for my dog?
This supplement is intended to help achieve and maintain a healthy gut microbiome. Specifically, it reduces populations of certain bacteria, such as E. coli and Clostridium, that can contribute to health problems when present in large numbers. Prior to beginning this supplement, we recommend testing your dog’s gut microbiome with a Gut Health Test.
Can I continue my dog’s other medications and supplements?
GMP can be given with any other medications or supplements. While many dogs benefit from GMP, we always recommend checking with your dog’s veterinarian before adding any new supplement.
Are there any risks associated with GMP?
While this supplement is intended specifically for dogs with microbiome-related health issues, in very rare cases, it can cause symptoms to worsen. If your dog’s symptoms worsen after beginning this supplement, stop giving it until their condition stabilizes.
Still have questions? Please visit our Help Center or Contact Us. We are happy to work with you and/or your veterinarian.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does “triple action” diarrhea relief mean?
“Triple action” refers to the three active ingredients in Gut Maintenance Plus that together help resolve occasional mild to moderate diarrhea: a bacteriophage to kill elevated levels of diarrhea-causing E. coli; a probiotic yeast to reduce harmful bacteria like Clostridium; and a prebiotic fiber to feed good gut bacteria.
Can I use GMP instead of the Gut Restore?
GMP is intended for specific imbalances, particularly high levels of E. coli and/or Clostridium bacteria. GMP is especially good for occasional diarrhea to get things “back on track.” By contrast, Gut Restore is made of fecal material from a healthy dog, and is intended to reintroduce missing bacterial groups and rebalance the gut. While both supplements are great for gut health, especially when given together, they are not interchangeable.
How long should my dog stay on this supplement?
This supplement is intended to resolve cases of diarrhea or soft stools within 60 days. If symptoms decrease, the GMP is safe to continue long-term. If your dog has taken GMP for longer than 60 days and you haven’t noticed an improvement, please consult your dog’s veterinarian.
Can I open these capsules and mix the powder with food?
Yes, if your dog has trouble taking capsules whole, you can open the capsule and mix the powder with food or a treat.
Is this supplement right for my dog?
This supplement is intended to help achieve and maintain a healthy gut microbiome. Specifically, it reduces populations of certain bacteria, such as E. coli and Clostridium, that can contribute to health problems when present in large numbers. Prior to beginning this supplement, we recommend testing your dog’s gut microbiome with a Gut Health Test.
Can I continue my dog’s other medications and supplements?
GMP can be given with any other medications or supplements. While many dogs benefit from GMP, we always recommend checking with your dog’s veterinarian before adding any new supplement.
Are there any risks associated with GMP?
While this supplement is intended specifically for dogs with microbiome-related health issues, in very rare cases, it can cause symptoms to worsen. If your dog’s symptoms worsen after beginning this supplement, stop giving it until their condition stabilizes.
Still have questions? Please visit our Help Center or Contact Us. We are happy to work with you and/or your veterinarian.